Privacy Policy

Techgeen gives special attention to protecting the data that you provide while you visit our website. Techgeen has set its security so high that your information will always remain private. We are committed to protecting the given personal information of our clients or even visitors to the website. We know you trust us and we keep it intact with our privacy policy.

Information Collection

Personal Information

Personal information refers to any data you provide directly to us. When you visit our website, you may fill out various forms to enable us to contact you or keep you informed about our services and products. We only collect data that you voluntarily provide through these forms, including subscriptions to our blog or other services, applications, or features available on our site. No additional data is collected beyond what you submit.


Cookies are small data files transmitted from a website to your computer. We may store cookies on your device during your interaction with our site to enhance your user experience and better understand your needs. This allows us to offer more tailored services. A pop-up window may appear on the left or right corner of the page, asking for your consent to store cookies. You can choose to approve or deny this request.

Data Collected from Devices

When you browse our website from a mobile device, we may collect and store certain information such as your device model, location, and language settings. If you prefer to keep this information private, you can adjust your device’s privacy settings. This data is automatically collected similarly to how cookies operate.

Other Information

In addition to personal information, we may also collect non-personal information from the device you use to browse our website. This includes your browser software details, IP address, and other relevant technical data.

How We Use the Collected Information

Techgeen primarily uses the collected information to enhance your user experience. We may also use this data to display advertisements that may be of interest to you.
The information is used for the following purposes:

  • To improve customer service
  • To enhance user experience
  • To create a more user-friendly website
  • For email marketing purposes

If you do not wish to receive emails from us, you can unsubscribe at any time by following the detailed guidelines provided at the bottom of each email. If you encounter any difficulties, please contact us.

We Protect Your Information

We are committed to safeguarding the data you provide. We implement high-security measures to ensure your information remains safe and private, preventing unauthorized access. Protecting your data is our top priority.

Data of Children

Techgeen does not collect information from children, defined as individuals under the age of 13. Our site is designed and developed to avoid attracting the attention of anyone under this age.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

Techgeen reserves the right to update and modify this privacy policy at any time. We recommend reviewing this page regularly when you visit our website to stay informed of any changes.

Your Consent to Our Privacy Policy

By visiting our website, you accept the terms of this privacy policy. Continued use of our site following any updates or changes to the policy will be considered as your consent to the new terms.
This website is created and maintained by Techgeen, a third-party vendor. If you identify any errors or misleading information, please notify us or our webmasters at Techgeen, and we will promptly update them.

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